Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 16 Recap: Everything Falls Apart,630

Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 16 recap. Last week, the Mexico trip continued. But when Britani got caught recording a fight in the Sprinter van, Meredith became suspicious of her. After everyone attacked Britani for recording them, she admitted her “deepest secret,” which wasn’t all that deep. Meredith was convinced that Brit planted a recording device in her room and enlisted Heather's help to find it. Keep reading to see exactly what went down on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 16: "When All is Said and Done."

What happened on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 16?

In this week's episode, Heather organizes a Tribute to Lisa lunch, which Lisa loves, until Whitney gets a little too honest with her feelings about Lisa. On the last night of their trip, Lisa takes them to a luxury theme park for “an epic dinner.” But Heather’s attempt to get the women to move forward and “clear the air” with each other explodes into a massive fight. Lisa has an epic meltdown, and both she and Meredith end up running from the table. Good riddance to both of them. Here are some of the highlights from RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 16.

A Tribute to Lisa luncheon doesn’t go well on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Heather has planned a Tribute to Lisa lunch, so all the women meet in Lisa’s bungalow to surprise her. "Lisa put together such an amazing trip," Heather interviews. "I really wanted to have a theme lunch to thank her. I know that Lisa hates themes, but I knew there would be one theme that Lisa would love."

When Lisa walks into the cottage's living room, she stops dead in her tracks. Everyone is wearing a brown wig and looks just like Lisa. It's kind of hilarious. Meredith says she's never seen Lisa speechless in the ten years she's known her—until now.

"Honestly, these girls have never looked better," Lisa says in a confessional.

I can't stop laughing. Every time Lisa says anything, it's followed by a chorus of, "I love that's" in Lisa's voice. So funny.

"I would rather die than be Lisa for the day," Whitney says in a confessional. "But I'm just gonna lean into it and … be the fakest, phoniest, cattiest, materialistic bitch I can be." Everyone knows Lisa and Whitney aren’t each other’s besties.

When Whitney pretty much repeats these sentiments to Lisa, Baby Gorgeous loses her cool and tries to snatch the wig off Whitney's head. And now they're all fighting again. These women just can't go anywhere without screaming at each other.

An epic luxury dinner goes downhill fast on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Photo Credit: Natalie Cass/Bravo

"For our last night in Mexico," Lisa interviews, "I organized the most epic dinner at the VidantaWorld Luxury Theme Park."

When they get to the restaurant, everyone's ordering Mexican dishes, except for Whitney who orders a pepperoni pizza. Really, Whit? Try a taco. They're yummy.

Bronwyn proposes a toast and everyone cheers to their last night in Mexico, but I don't think the happy atmosphere will last long. Right on schedule, Angie asks Mary if she'd like a piece of pepperoni pizza, but Mary ignores her. Crickets. Here we go …

"You're being very quiet with me," Angie finally says. Mary's mad that Angie followed Britani out to comfort her at breakfast when she was crying. I'm constantly amazed that Mary calls herself a pastor when there seems to be very little compassion, love, or forgiveness in her.

Mary feels that Angie is disloyal to their friendship, but Angie tearfully tells her, "I love you. You've changed my life … I don't like that you shut me out like this."

Mary's hurt that Angie took Britani's side after she "told [Angie] everything." She's talking about when she had the heart-to-heart with Angie about Robert Jr.'s drug problem.

Mary says she has "abandonment issues" because both her parents turned their backs on her. She doesn't handle betrayal well.

Angie apologizes for making Mary feel that way, and finally, Mary realizes, "Angie does have my back [and] feels like family."

Heather’s attempt to “clear the air” goes south on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

After Mary and Angie settle their differences, Heather says it's "beautiful." She asks if anyone else wants to "clear the air." Uh oh. I don't think that's a good idea, Heather.

Meredith speaks up, "I do have a concern, and I need some resolution." She digs up the old story that Whitney accused Lisa of planting a story with a blog that her jewelry company was stealing designs from Alibaba (an online shopping website).

"You said you had proof," Meredith continues. "And the person who supposedly gave you this proof contacted me and told me a very different story."

"He told me that he has never given her proof," Meredith says in a confessional. "[He also said] that Whitney has twisted his words around to say he had given her proof, when he, in fact, did not."

Whitney doubles down and says she has a "lot of proof" that Lisa talks to blogs when Lisa says she does not.

"You're lying!" Lisa says, giving her standard response.

Whitney says Lisa was "feeding information" to Reality Von Teese. Heather asks, "Who told you this?"

"I reached out to Monica [Garcia]," Whitney responds. Everyone is shocked into silence for a second. Even I gasped.

"After everything we've gone through to distance ourselves from [Monica] and her memory," Heather interviews, "there's no f*cking way you did this. What level of desperation and paranoia led you to think that … would somehow strengthen your case?"

Angie burns any chance of a friendship with Bronwyn on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

When the argument escalates, Heather says, "Look at us! We are obsessed with trying to find the receipts … the proof, trying to poke holes in each other's stories, expose each other … It's not okay."

"We made fun of [Monica's] Burn Book, and we all have our own burn books [in our phones]," Heather says. "None of us are without fault."

She suggests an exercise to move forward. She wants each of them find the worst thing they've ever said about someone in the group, and let that person read it out loud.

"We burn it, and move on," she adds.

"Check, please!" Angie jokes. I’m with Angie here.

The first couple of confessions went well and peace was made. But then it's Angie's turn. She wrote that Bronwyn married "a man with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel." She also made fun of Bronwyn’s looks and says she "sucked her way to the top." Angie wants everyone to think she's a nice person, but she's not. That was nasty.

Bronwyn has said that even though her husband can come off as being a little brusque, all is good with them and they’re totally happy.

Angie explains she wrote that message in a moment of anger, but she's sorry. Bronwyn brushes her off and says it's okay, but you can see she's hurt. Angie and Bronwyn will never be friends.

Heather’s idea to “clear the air” goes totally off the rails on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

At last, it’s Whitney’s turn. Of course, hers is about Lisa. Whitney claims she and Justin were approached by a woman at a party who offered to have a three-way with them, adding that Lisa and John would "vouch for her." Lisa loses her mind.

"What the f*ck is that?" Lisa says angrily.

Whitney says she doesn't believe it and just wants to "clear the air." Whitney tries to apologize and says she wants to "burn it," but Lisa starts yelling.

"I'm not starting fresh," Lisa cries. "I'm done."

When Angie says, "No one believes it, Lisa," Lisa hits back at her and says, "I heard that Shawn [Angie's husband] does circle jerks." Oh, that was low. But it’s not the first time Lisa’s been abusive toward another cast member.

Angie stands up and starts throwing things at Lisa, bringing a producer rushing to intervene.

"There's nothing okay about any of this!" Meredith finally screams. Everyone's in tears, and Lisa's furious. It’s a mess. Great idea, Heather.

"Lisa's repulsive," Bronwyn interviews. "I like John as much as the next person, but John's no better than any husband at this table. For her to … turn it around on Angie's marriage? Everybody's true colors are coming out … the people who can own their sh*t and the people who are surface, f*cking narcissists." I knew I liked Bronwyn.

After Lisa and Meredith storm away from the table, Heather apologizes to everyone left. "This is the last way I wanted to end our trip," she says. "I'm so sorry."

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.


The post Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 16 Recap: Everything Falls Apart appeared first on Reality Tea.
